Go get more: http://youtube.com/girlsongirlsshow
On November 18th my team Big Mick will be at TNT, 8pm at the Clubhouse: https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=175920919198630&_rdr I’m also going to be an improv-ing Japanese Water Ghost with Jetzo in the 10:30 show at iO West on the 24th: http://ioimprov.com/west/io/shows/tarotdactyl-presents-mystic-mondays
Monday my team and I shot the pilot episode of Girls on Girls, the show that will keep you on top of Girls. Intrigued? More soon.
August included wrapping up #30nods and writing for and acting in 33shorts, 33 days, which, if you haven’t gathered was 33 shorts shot in 33 days. So it is all about the 30s. Onwards to shooting a supercool spec for my web series idea. Details TBD!
Played a goth (again). Guess I should accept I still am one.
Grad show! Coming up Monday:
My writing and acting, all tied up in a tidy little bundle known as a short film. You likkkkkke? I wrote a couple of sketches and will be acting in an exciting project my pal the filmmaker Robert Mercado is doing. He will be creating 33 shorts in 33 days. He has shot and edited […]
My team Commonwealth has a plethora of shows in the next 48 hours: 7pm tonight at the Neon Venus, 9:30 pm at Catsy at the Clubhouse and tomorrow at 10pm for the Cherry Crush Cagematch at iO West. We could use your votes on that last one!
I just got cast in the web series 30 Nods, and apparently I made a decent impression: http://30nods.tumblr.com/post/83838999698/behind-the-scene-30nods-story-auditioning-for
Commonwealth will not be having our usual Sunday show this week. BUT! WE are honored to be part of two other great shows: Saturday Night’s Main Event at Second City Hollywood Saturday March 29th 10:30pm 10 bucks ALSO! We will be at the Cupcake for the No you Don’t Oprah! show. Wednesday, April 2nd 8:30pm […]